Our story

The Global Citizens’ Assembly Network (GloCAN) is a research collective that generates actionable insights to inform the governance, design, implementation, and evaluation of global citizens’ assemblies.
The Network was founded in 2023, after the launch of the evaluation report of the world’s first Global Assembly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. In that report, the authors put forward critical insights about what worked, what did not, and what can be improved in future assemblies. GloCAN rises to the challenge of putting forward insights based on rigorous and collaborative research that can support policymakers, funders, process designers, advocates, and the wider community of practice that are organising, or plan to organise, global citizens’ assemblies.
What we do
We conduct action-oriented empirical research on global citizens’ assemblies and multinational forums of citizen deliberation. We publish open access reports on this website and peer-reviewed articles in academic journals. We facilitate conversations about topical and emerging debates on global citizens’ assemblies through public events, roundtable discussions, and learning calls. We provide input to deliberative democracy’s community of practice that seek advice on the governance, design, implementation, and evaluation of global citizens’ assemblies. We build a global network of researchers from inside and outside academia to foster a vibrant intellectual community conducive to inclusive, collaborative, and reflective research.
Funding declaration
GloCAN is funded by the European Climate Foundation (via the Iswe Foundation), the Australian Research Council (LP190101198) and the Faculty of Business, Government and Law at the University of Canberra.